• warranty period starts from the date of receipt of the goods by the purchaser and shall be 24 months unless specified by special legislation or specific goods warranty other
  • if the goods supplied by the manufacturer warranty card, issued by the Seller Guarantee Certificate to the purchaser on the day of sale of goods. Unless the manufacturer of the goods supplied warranty card, it is considered a tax document (invoice) issued and transmitted by Seller to Buyer
  • Seller is not liable to the purchaser for defects on goods resulting from normal wear and tear, misuse or improper storage.
  • in the event that during the guarantee period reflected in the goods defects that have their origin in the facts according to par. 3, the buyer has the right goods at the seller claimed. Evidenced by the purchaser the right of defective performance guaranteed by the provisions of § 2165 et seq Act no. 89/2012 Coll. Civil Code.
  • for the proper exercise of the rights of defective goods, the buyer is obliged to:

a) notify the Seller by telephone, electronically, by e-mail to robin@seboweapons.com or in writing at the address of his place on the existence of a defect
b) deliver the goods in person or by registered mail (according to the previous agreement with the seller) to the address of the seller
c) provide data relating to the claimed goods seller allowing identification of defective goods, the buyer (name and surname or company, address of residence and contact telephone and electronic data)
d) present the seller warranty card or tax document (invoice) proving the guarantee period pursuant to par. first

  • selling or. manufacturer or supplier of goods, assesses the validity of defective goods within 30 days from receipt of the goods claimed, and the nature of the defects claimed goods seller shall notify the purchaser in writing, electronically or by telephone
  • if the vendor exceeds the deadline of 30 days for processing the complaint, the buyer has the right to withdraw